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R25.00 off

Congratulations! You get R25.00 off your purchase.

*1 coupon per customer per day. *no cash change. *cannot be used in conjunction with any other promotion *coupon only applies to frozen yoghurt.

Expires: June 30, 2016

Yumi Berry

Shop no. 88, Westwood Mall
Durban, KZN 3630
+2761 149 1484

R25.00 off

Congratulations! You get R25.00 off your purchase.

*1 coupon per customer per day. *no cash change. *cannot be used in conjunction with any other promotion *coupon only applies to frozen yoghurt.

Expires: June 30, 2016

Yumi Berry

Shop no. 88, Westwood Mall
Durban, KZN 3630
+2761 149 1484
