Buy 1, receive second for 15% off. Unlimited amount.
For use in your clinics or resale on your shelves, Naturama's All Purpose Cleaner provides a 100% organic and natural cleaning solution knocking out odour, dirt, stains and bacteria. Naturama's formulas contain no harmful chemicals, VOC's, detergents or perfumes making it safe for your clients, pets, clinic, staff and the planet.
This offer applies to the 1L spray bottles (great for resale), 4L jugs and 20L pails (best for cleaning clinics).
Order yours from the WDDC today.
1L - product code 134525 - $19.57 - second bottle - $16.63
4L - product code 134526 - $27.66 - second jug - $23.51
20L - product code 134527 - $121.42 - second pail - $103.21
Naturama Natural Cleaners
17611-109A AvenueEdmonton, Alberta T5S 2W4