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New Massage Therapist in Town Special!

Receive a 1 hour massage and a free 15 minute foot scrub and butter for $55. Thats $10 off a regular hour massage, plus you get to enjoy soft, smooth feet for the rest of the day!

Expires: April 07, 2016

Mother Earth Massage

125 S Old Pacific HWY
Myrtle Creek, OR 97457

New Massage Therapist in Town Special!

Receive a 1 hour massage and a free 15 minute foot scrub and butter for $55. Thats $10 off a regular hour massage, plus you get to enjoy soft, smooth feet for the rest of the day!

Expires: April 07, 2016

Mother Earth Massage

125 S Old Pacific HWY
Myrtle Creek, OR 97457
