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$100 Coupon

Bring this coupon to the store and receieve $100 on your purchase of $500 or more and get free white glove delivery (1st floor or elevator) within 10 miles from the store. This coupon is not vaild on previous purchases.

*In stores coupon only. Must show printable coupon at the time of purchase.

Expires: February 29, 2016

City Schemes Contemporary Furniture

22 Kent Street
Somerville, MA 02143
(617) 776- 7777

$100 Coupon

Bring this coupon to the store and receieve $100 on your purchase of $500 or more and get free white glove delivery (1st floor or elevator) within 10 miles from the store. This coupon is not vaild on previous purchases.

*In stores coupon only. Must show printable coupon at the time of purchase.

Expires: February 29, 2016

City Schemes Contemporary Furniture

22 Kent Street
Somerville, MA 02143
(617) 776- 7777
