This Coupon is valid only for Patricia Michelle Elizarrarraz and only for Patricia. No one but Patricia can claim this coupon. Can be redeemed at anytime any day but AUG. 5 2017- AUG. 25 2017. This coupon will be voided if any one but Patricia claims this coupon. If this coupon is sold then you, Patricia will be fined. The fine is 1 GAZILLION dollhairs. This coupon is not valid at any of those super fancy places where you pay 200 dollars per plate and you get stacked carrots and a couple pieces of asparagus. I just don't it is worth it I mean common on a 15 or so party can eat with that kind of money. Some times I don't understand humanity, why is that even a thing? We in conclusion I really don't know why birds fly in formation. I love you pat and I hope you had a great Birthday !!!!!
You Dino you .